
Guinea pigs:
- they don't swim and don't like water,
- they can keep their eyes open while sleeping,
- they are most active during the day, but they also like to take short naps,
- they mainly eat hay and herbs,
- in their natural environment they live in herds consisting of one male and up to a dozen females,
- they have teeth that grow continuously and they wear them down by eating dry food and hay,
- Their front paws have 3 toes and their hind paws have 4 toes.
- their fur consists of 5 different types of hair,
- they can run just 3 hours after birth,
- they get along with rabbits in the short term, but sharing a cage is not recommended,
- among rabbits they start to imitate them by jumping,
- are used as laboratory animals for experiments and research.
- the oldest guinea pig lived for 15 years. This age became a Guinness Record and was entered into the Book.
- the joyful jumping of piggies is popcorning.